Sunday, March 28, 2010

For the Love of Peacock

Peacock is a beautiful animal. Their feathers are beautiful, awesome colors, and their whole figure is elegant. When I saw this peacock bangle, I was inspired to make this spotlight dedicated to Peacock love :) Enjoy a lovely weekend everyone!

Handmade Easter Gift Guide

Today's Featured Studios:


  1. Beautiful!!!! I love peacocks! And peahens, too!

  2. Love the headband, close second is the earrings. Lovely picks Kay!

  3. Beautiful! I love peacocks. Where I used to teach we had a peacock farm near by and the peacocks used to roam around! We'd feed them, and they came REALLY close without ever bothering the kids. On many occassion we saw them spread their feathers. BEAUTIFUL! It was an awesome experience for the kids too!

  4. Gorgeous colors! Thank you, Kay. I want everything...

  5. That's cool, mama! did you pick up their feathers? I saw some that are huge and so beautiful on stores.

    YW, Epic! Your soap is gorgeous :)

  6. I've always loved the exotic peacocks. Thanks so much for featuring my ring! :)

  7. Gorgeous collection! Very inspired!

  8. Ooh, I love that cuff! Beautiful selection.
